Words @3AM: Roads to Nowhere

It’s 3 AM and my mind never ceases to stop thinking. I imagine myself riding on a motorcycle surrounded by mountains, riding down a road that I’m not familiar with, yet the thrill of finding my way around and just enjoying the scenery unfolding in front of me is more than enough to keep me elated. As I the unknown road, the unknown path as my goals. Goals that I’m yet to accomplish so I can tick them right off my list. December 7, 2021 was when I published my first book. It had always been a dream of mine to see my name on bookshelves, someday making it in the bestselling lists and just enjoy the creative process of creating stories containing characters in universes that readers hopefully enjoy being a part off, as much as I do myself. Words give me life. Literature gives me life. Every page in a book gives me life and that’s how I want my readers to feel when they read my books. 

I gathered the courage to put aside the doubts swimming in me to finally get my story out there and share it with the world. My journey in self-publishing wasn’t easy but it did make me feel invincible and prepared when I plan to publish my future projects. I’m not going to lie; I did find myself having sleepless nights where I constantly had to keep reassuring myself to ensure I’m headed in the right direction. However, those doubts soon diminished when I received an author copy of my book, making me feel proud of what I’d begun to achieve. I realized, that the only person who was holding me back was no one but myself. I’m now currently working on in releasing my next book, which is slated to release this August. 

My journey towards success has just begun. I’m bound to come across various bumps and challenges along the way, as I continue riding down the road on my motorcycle. As an adrenaline junkie, I’m not afraid to fall down. I get back up, figure it out and continue riding till I finally reach my destination which isn’t any time from now. I enjoy the opportunities that life has to offer me and I gratefully take them in stride. Apart from being an author and having that achievement ticked off my list, I still have so many goals I aim to achieve this coming year. I’m forever prepared and forever finding new ways and means in developing and growing myself personally, physically, mentally and professionally. There’s no one to stop me, but myself. Right now? I want to keep riding down the road that for now, may not lead me to anywhere, but I believe in myself, knowing I’ll get to my destination eventually. I’m choosing to enjoy the ride.

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