It’s 3 am and as usual I’m wide awake with a million thoughts living rent free in my mind. When I think about women, I think about them as authors who have the innate potential, to bring untold narratives to life. When I think about women, I think about them as entrepreneurs made out of iron, who make their projects into a massive success, inspiring their team members to accomplish greater feats. And last but not the least…. when I think about women? I see them as mothers with mentalities of a lioness, protecting and ensuring that their loved ones never lose sight of themselves. My mother is all of those things. A woman who is a force to be reckoned with, aspiring to be in the same league as her. A woman who has been graced with a magnetic charm, who has the power to encapsulate many other women surrounding her, motivating them in ways they couldn’t imagine. I think every single woman out there, is special and unique in their own way. However, there are times where I feel they don’t get the required support when it comes to achieving certain goals, they had set for themselves.
I believe it was Emma Watson, who beautifully explained that “Feminism is about equality. Politically; culturally, socially, economically. Feminism is not here to dictate to you. It’s not perceptive, it’s not dogmatic. All we are here to do is give you a choice.” Just a few days back, my mom vented her frustrations to me about how she and her colleagues aren’t getting enough support from the people around her. The people she thought she could trust and most of those ‘people’ are none other than women with goals themselves. From backstabbing, to secretly dragging other women down…what benefit does it give you? Where do those negative thoughts land you? Does it give you more power when you exclaim ‘I am not like the other girls?’ Guaranteed we are all different and that we aren’t the same. You are allowed to have your shares of likes and dislikes. You are allowed to like certain things that may not be liked by others. You are allowed to have your opinions and disagreements because at the end of the day…they are your thoughts that cannot be controlled by us. You may not like the other person who comes from the same species as you, but there’s a thing called respect and valuing the other person’s self-worth…hence giving them the much-needed support and recognition they truly need.
Women are true superheroes. They are strong, dedicated and passionate. They love, they let go and unwind. They aren’t the types to give up just when things start to get challenging. They persevere regardless of the curveball’s life throws at them. The next time you find yourself in a situation where you are about to talk smack about a person, that you don’t know… a person who’s a woman with a vision and a goal…just like yours. Think twice. Have a conversation. Discuss and share opportunities. Give her a platform for her to shine. Smile, cheer her on pass the baton around.
Here’s to all the strong women that we have the pleasure to meet and engage with in our day-to-day lives; may we know them. May we get inspired by them. May we learn to lead like them and may we continue in soaring high…just like them.