Lady Roza is a well-known lifestyle and fashion figure who was born and raised in Iraq. She began her career as a software engineer and progressed to become a lifestyle and fashion influencer as well as a presenter at one of the UAE’s largest broadcasting firms. She is best recognised for her work as a Panorama FM presenter and for her show Trend. Roza became an MBC broadcaster by coincidence when she visited Dubai for a fresh start. She usually generates content on Instagram and TikTok, where she is able to capture large audiences. With a background in fashion, she has developed her own distinctive style, which she constantly displays on social media.
Roza has gained a large amount of Instagram and TikTok followers over time. Her audience stays up to date on her engaging content and encourages her throughout.
We spoke with Roza, who told us about her journey from Iraq to her current life and success in Dubai.
- How did you land yourself in the media industry with a background in the software industry?
This is a question I frequently ask myself. I pursued software engineering because it was not a popular career option for those around me at the time. I moved to Dubai a few years later to start a new life and make fresh starts, and MBC discovered me. This was not a planned professional route for me, and the chance came to me entirely unexpectedly.
- Did you have any prior experiences that are related to a public setting?
Absolutely not. MBC discovered me as a tourist in Dubai. I am a person who reads a lot and talks a lot. I ended up working on two projects for them because they liked my personality so much. After that, I was trained for a few weeks before being able to work as a full-time presenter.
- Apart from being a presenter, have you had other big dreams?
Without a doubt, sure. My early aspirations were to become a fashion model, and the Hadid sisters were among my inspirations. My family, on the other hand, desired that I become a doctor. Being a presenter was not a planned professional path for me, but I enjoyed the audience, the lights, and the sensation of being a well-known celebrity.
- Was public speaking a skill you possessed, or did you experience anxiety and nervousness once you entered the profession?
I did face some struggles initially. Being a radio host meant I had to talk to people over the phone constantly. Talking to someone when you don’t know who is on the other end of the phone line made me nervous. I don’t know what they look like, how old they are, and where they are from. It took approximately a year and a half for me to believe in myself and the crowd. My mind was constantly racing with questions about what needed to be done or said. Initially, I was hesitant to speak my thoughts and to get feedback but now, people wanted to know what I thought about anything that was popular or newsworthy. I gradually gained confidence and courage because of the passage of time and my adventure.
- You present on the radio and on TV. Do you think presenting on the radio is a little less pressure since there are no cameras on your face, or does it not matter to you?
Well, MBC also broadcasts live radio in the presence of cameras. However, I find radio hosting more difficult than TV hosting. Radio hosting is all about using your voice to act. People can’t see you, so you must persuade them using your voice acting skills. However, I enjoy radio hosting more, despite the difficulties that come with it. Radio presenting allows me to hear public comments and feedback, which motivates me to work more.

- Have you ever had to speak publicly on radio or television about personal experiences? If so, how difficult, or easy was it for you?
Opening up to the public was an easy task for me. People want to know what is going on in the lives of others, and they want to know more. One of the major reasons people use social media is to know about what is going on in the lives of others. There are times when I have to deal with people who ask me bothersome personal questions that I am not ready to share with the world, or who make assumptions about me. However, once you become a public figure, this follows you. I simply choose to ignore the unwelcome questions and the prying eyes. I enjoy sharing my life events, and that is exactly what I do on my social media channels. Don’t pry on me. If something significant occurs in my life, I will undoubtedly make it public. That’s what I do. Just don’t force it on me or make assumptions about situations.
- Have you ever thought about creating your own fashion brand given your fantastic personal style and educational background in fashion?
Because of my mother’s persistence, I pursued fashion for a time. Her dream was to have her own fashion line and brand, but she was unable to achieve it. As a result, she desired that I go the creative route. And to be honest, I found it quite challenging. I refused to fail as a person. It is the type of industry where you must fail in order to advance. It took a lot of time and a lot of mistakes had to be made. Being a fashion designer or a consultant is really difficult.
- Do you think one should always adhere to the current fashion trends?
From my personal experience, I was a person who followed trends in high school. However, as I grew older, I realised that trends are not for everyone. I developed my own personal style based on what I like and find comfortable. You should not necessarily adopt a similar style just because a huge group does so. Do whatever makes you happy and be comfortable in your own skin.
- Finally, as a presenter, what tips and tricks can be used to help aspiring presenters get over their nervousness and public anxiety?
Read! Reading is essential. That’s how you end with materials that people remember. Be yourself and stay true to yourself at all times. This will gradually lead to confidence and the removal of apprehensive uneasiness.
Listen to Panorama FM or download the app to learn more about Roza’s thoughts and opinions. She shares lifestyle and fashion content on Instagram (@rozainsta) and TikTok (@lady.roza), where she has over 300,000 followers.