Rian Fernandez: Crossing the Rubicon (Astra Inclinant, Sed Non Obligant)

Rian Fernandez

The universe is an abundant place and there’s always a chance for us. Set your course today for the life you want to have and remember that you can do more than you think. The way will find you when you step up, believe in your own dream, and work toward it. Once you achieve your big dream, remember to pay it forward and encourage someone else who needs a reminder of what’s possible.


One of the most talented fashion designers of his time from the Philippines– with eccentric and poetic fashion moments that no one will ever forget.

Fernandez’s childhood was a time when creativity really flourished. Arts and crafts explored the textures and colors of the world around him. Art represents a means of developing his sense of self-respect, self-esteem, and social skills. As a designer, his works were showcased in New York Fashion Week, Italy, UK, and finally landed in Miss Universe.


Back in the Philippines, he dressed up as Ms. Thailand 2016 Chalita Suansane using his terno (which refers to a woman’s ensemble that consists of matching colors/patterns.)




His show was so autobiographical that you could tell the story of his life through it. All of the things that happen naturally – you see someone else’s skills, their strength, their pace, their vision in close-up – reinforce that. It doesn’t matter whether you have come from China, France, Russia, or the inner-city of Manila, Philippines – once you are on the pitch there is only one thing that matters: doing what you can to help your own team to shine.

Fashion gives men an extra tool with which to boost their confidence and express themselves. Clothes are not just pieces of fabric that one puts on to cover one’s body. They are another way to show the world who men are, our personalities, and what we believe in. On top of that, fashion can help create awareness around issues that matter to men and women as well.


Fernandez created a unique aspirational world that alludes to sensuality and youthful sophistication that are styled and embraces unconventional beauty of men, and individualism and made it an expression of a state of mind, selecting an outfit that’s beautiful, unique, and appropriate for one’s personality.  Luxurious, elegant stories around the world that encapsulates different flows of ideas of inclusiveness: being together, including every people and its culture that we fell in love with glamour that has shaped our lives, a purveyor of exquisite style and glamour. 


The difference between those who achieve what they want in life and those who don’t is determination and tenacity, not luck, looks, or youth. I’m so grateful for the opportunities I’ve had in life, but the truth is, I’ve made the most of them and they only showed up when I did. Show up for yourself and the opportunities will appear. Maybe they won’t appear immediately, but if you stick with it, they will show up.

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