January Issue – The Power of Influence

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I wish you all had a blast during the festive season. As we now start a new year, the Victor Magazine team has chosen for this month’s issue to be about the power of influence. In this issue, we are featuring a number of figures who have (and still do) played a great role in influencing their audience whether in fashion and lifestyle or even in international relations.

The power of influence comes from figures or entities having access to a wide audience and own the tools to affect this audience’s choices and decisions which is a very important and critical matter in today’s world.

We are definitely highlighting figures who have done a great job in utilizing their power of influence and making a good difference. Speaking of such, it gives me great pleasure to see the feedback from our audience about the change this magazine has achieved thus far … we realize the responsibility and obligations of the power that our values readers have granted us … the power of influence.

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