New years are about creating new memories, cherishing magical moments and doing things that warm your heart and mind. We have all seen our friends and colleagues make resolutions that seem more like a strenuous task rather than a hearty resolution they look truly forward to and we have also seen many completely forget about it or give up instantly as the months pass. Resolutions are something personal and we only give up on it when we decide to do something that’s just not for us. Each of us are so different from each other. We have our own interests and our very own quirks. Any resolution you make should be something that makes you smile and only you need to be satisfied with it. Your resolution encourages you to move towards what you want and when you attain it, it should feel special only to you. So, let’s start off 2023 with some resol-you-tions and not just a bland resolution. Here some prompts to get you started
- Capture 10 interesting moments in 2023
Everytime you feel like you’re content with where you have reached in your life and feel this sense of pride in you, either to have found the right people in your life, to have gotten that job you wanted, find yourself losing your mind at a concert you never thought you’d be able to attend or to simply be comfortable at home cuddled up in your blanket, whatever the moment may be, capture it. Save it. Write about it and look back to it by the end of this year.
- Rewatch movies from your childhood
Personally, I have watched some really good movies as well as really bad movies when I was a kid, but at that time, they were such super hit movies to me. When I rewatched them recently, the movies weren’t as good as I remember them at all but that’s not the point. As I watched these movies, I started to remember the reason why I loved them. It wasn’t just the movies. Most of the time I would adore the costumes of the heroines, the songs, the colourful movie sets, the comedians and many more elements of the movie. It was like I took a sneak into the mind of my child-self and it was an interesting experience! Watch with the cousins you grew up with watching the same movies, have a rewatch party with your friends with a collection of movies from your childhood or sit your parents down for these movies because most of the time, they remember every bit of your reaction the scenes in the movie and it could turn into a quality family time!

- Start a recipe book of your comfort food
We all have our comfort food and it is this food we run to at the slightest inconvenience, when we’re stressed out or when things seem to spiral out of hand. And as far as I’ve seen, comfort foods are not always normal food. They are a combination of the weirdest ingredients that miraculously taste divine. Maintain a secret notebook and every time lead you to a new comfort food, write it down. Your comfort food is personal, something only you know how much you value. And if ever a friend is a little stressed out, you can introduce a few of your dishes to them and loop them in if possible!
- Go star-gazing at night
This is in my bucket list and is also my resolution, to spend a night under the stars with a telescope identifying and mapping out stars and galaxies in the sky. It is such an exhilarating feeling to know how small and insignificant we are in this unfathomably vast universe, struggling to make our way through an illusion called life. Thoughts really do wander further and deeper into the stars as we ponder over it more and more. A spellbinding elation to be experienced at least once in a lifetime.
- Learn a new language
We come across people from so many different places all the time. It would be thoroughly awesome to be able to converse with at least one of them fluently in their language and be appreciated for it. The feeling of being multilingual is a whole new level of confidence that can only be felt but not said in words. Personally, I’ve always wanted to be fluent in Spanish and Arabic.
Just like that, set your own goals and stay resolute on finding the song of you this year. Build your own resolutions, because this year is your year, an entirety of 365 days of endless days and nights just for you!