Christiana Maxion, The Dubai Matchmaker, is rewriting the blueprint of the Dubai dating-verse, one match at a time.
December is the perfect time to do a DATING DETOX. This is a time where you’re most likely on holiday or out of office and already can focus on yourself. If you’re in an endless cycle of dating disappointment or fresh out of a relationship, I suggest doing a DATING DETOX. Your situation will determine the length of your detox.
In a cycle of bad first dates: thirty day dating detox
Breakup after a relationship less than a year: sixty day dating detox
Breakup after a relationship longer than a year/a divorce: ninety day dating detox
What does a dating detox entail?
Date yourself. Create your happy list of at least ten things that make you innately happy, e.g. bubble baths, a good book or podcast, favorite sport, socializing… Make this list visible, whether it’s posted on the back of your front door or on the screen of your phone, and promise to do at least one or two of these things every day
PURGE your home and life of the things that make you unhappy or remind you of your ex. It will be painful to let go of friends or his favorite shirt, but you’re making room for new happy things to enter your life

Happy + active = attractive. Exercise is a great way to increase your self esteem and your mood
Learn something new! Either read or listen to a new book, pick up a new hobby, or invest in being an expert in something you already enjoy
USP list: Create your own unique selling points list. Write down all of your accomplishments, successes, star qualities, and what you bring to a relationship. This will help you start dating from a pedestal. And dating from a pedestal allows you to see both the green and red flags.
Build your ideal partner! Use my partner Patti Stanger’s five worlds: spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, and financial. Which traits, attributes, and values do you want in a partner in each of these worlds? Narrow these down to your top ten must-haves and top five non-negotiables. Keep this non-negotiables list in your phone, wallet, or posted somewhere in your home. You can even transform it into a vision board with photos and make it as your phone’s backdrop or desktop screen 🙂
Don’t be shocked if you start getting a lot more attention during this process, but stick to your detox timeline! You are becoming not only more attractive to yourself but to others. In preparation for the end of your detox, create your dating wishlist of the great places you want to go, things you want to try or new hot spots that intrigue you, so you’re ready for when you do get asked out.
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