The power of the subconscious mind works beautifully. As the late Bob Proctor, a Canadian self-help author and lecturer. He was best known for his New York Times best-selling book You Were Born Rich and being a contributor to the film The Secret, had once quoted: ‘If you see it and believe it, you can hold it in your hand.’ It was amazing to see how quickly those words not only changed my life but made me the living embodiment of that notion. From that moment on, I made an oath to myself that I no longer would identify with the past as I chose to set myself free. For someone who was quick to react to an unpredictable situation with anxiety, anger and constantly victimizing myself asking ‘why me’, I instead chose to not only forgive my past self but make it a habit to not think, speak or affiliate myself with people whose energies don’t match mine.
I’d recently watched this captivating documentary about Audrey Hepburn. Initially, It wasn’t in my agenda to watch it. But something in me made me want to take action and actually give the documentary a watch. And after having watched it, from the beginning until the very end, leaving very little to my imagination…we, the world, didn’t deserve an extraordinary woman like Audrey Hepburn.
We really didn’t.
Because a woman like Audrey was a divine gift who’d been brought into this world in a different era, where she’d been subjected to unwanted unpredictability and uncertainty that I feel she didn’t deserve to be in. Had Audrey still lived and saw me writing this, all she would give me was her signature smile that oozed compulsion and would proceed into telling me, ‘You have a long way to go. A long life to live. There’s so much you still haven’t understood, but you will now.’
I personally believe that the people who have been wronged, misunderstood, misinterpreted and subjected to unwanted scrutiny in a world that can either make or break you, and yet they still have the audacity to smile and keep their head held high? Are the most dangerous. Not the dictators. Not the weapons of destruction. Not the villains that we see on T.V or read about in stories. But people who still thrive to surge ahead and smile, regardless of the scars that have damaged their hearts but fixed with the divinity they chose to surrender their souls to. Audrey Hepburn to me, was a symbol of danger combined with kindness and strength. Her magnetism was dangerous…a quality that very few people possess. Her kindness was her superpower and she wanted to give that to the endangered because she understood what it was like to be in their shoes.
She’d seen unfairness.
She’d seen war.
She had every right to justify herself by complaining and ranting about the struggles she had to undergo, until life decided to give her an opportunity to prove who she really was.
She was more than just a pretty face and never gave anyone a reason to only view her as an object of ‘Perfection.’ Audrey Hepburn was a force to be reckoned with. And the reason why nobody could play games with her was because of her personality. Eloquent. Straight to the point and a smile that killed. The reason why the kind are played with is because society is insecure. We say we want someone who is kind hearted and selfless. And yet when we see someone who is the epitome of an angel sent from heaven, we end up acting out in a very hostile and insecure manner that designs us to be our true villains.
But never once did Audrey complain. She gave love, but got it at a later stage that prevented her from experiencing the love and the life she could’ve led. My question is…why? Why did she have to leave so soon? Was that only her purpose? I may never know because I’m not Audrey Hepburn. I didn’t live her life. Even if I was given the opportunity to be in her shoes, I wouldn’t be able to do justice in telling her story because that was her story to tell. Audrey Hepburn was more than just a celebrated icon of class, kindness and elegance. She was more than just an incredible human being. Saying that she was an incredible icon of kindness would be putting it too lightly. There aren’t enough words in the dictionary to explain the impact she’d left on the rest of the world.
We treated her unfairly.
Our lady never complained.
By the time I finished watching that documentary, I was in tears. I was in tears because it felt as if she’d spoken to me inherently. I haven’t looked back ever since. I made the decision to embrace the kinder, stronger and eloquent version of myself where my thoughts and my words are my magic wands at service. And there’s absolutely nothing in this world that can change that.
This is the new me. The me, who has everything she’d ever asked for, leading the life I’ve always been meant to lead. A life full of thanks and a life full of gratefulness.
All thanks to Audrey Hepburn and her story that I’d had the pleasure to watch.